Welcome to the thirty-ninth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!
Here is this week’s Jakarta EE 9 Specification Status.

Since there were no ballots that closed this week, there are still ten approved and two ballots ongoing. These two will end on Tuesday. Eight specifications are almost ready for their ballot, so that’s an increase since last week.
Nine specifications need some more work before they are ready, and there is only one specification that hasn’t created a Pull Request yet:

The call-for-paper for JakartaOne LiveStream ends on Wednesday, October 1st. If you haven’t submitted yet, now is the time!

Another event coming up with a lot of Jakarta EE content is EclipseCon 2020. Do register now to reserve your place!

This week, we staged the MVC 1.1.0 API in preparation for our first release as a Jakarta EE specification. The next steps are to stage the TCK and file a certification request for Eclipse Krazo. More to come.