Welcome to the sixty-fifth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!
It looks like Jakarta EE 9.1 may be delivered sometime in May. The Jakarta EE Platform project discussed the possibility for a release date in mid-May at this week’s platform call. There are still a couple of details to be sorted out before a final date can be announced. Stay tuned for updates.
The platform team has also started discussions regarding adding a profile to the next release of Jakarta EE. This discussion is currently going on the mailing list.
On Wednesday, March 31, I am giving a short keynote at JakartaOne LivesStream – Russian. What’s interesting about this one is that it will be in Russian. Since I, unfortunately, don’t speak Russian, the organizers have been very helpful in translating my talk and adding a Russian audio track. I hope you will enjoy it!

As you can see, the program for JakartaOne Livestream – Russian is packed with great content!
If you still can’t get enough of Jakarta EE, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you want to host us at your local JUG or Meetup. We still offer free use of Crowdcast for JUGs for streaming your events.
Tanja and I are always eager to visit you and talk about Jakarta EE. We have visited a lot of JUGs in the last 6 months. And we want to visit more. If you want your JUG on this list, you know what to do. Contact us!
At the end, I want to point you to the new Adoptium web site that was just recently launched. This is your one stop shop to download prebuilt OpenJDK binaries for free.