Hashtag Jakarta EE #229

Welcome to issue number two hundred and twenty-nine of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

It was a busy week for me with two conferences back-to-back. First out was JCON Europe 2024 in Cologne, Germany followed by GeeCON 2024 in Kraków, Poland. Both these conferences are very well organized and excellent for networking, and socializing, as well as world-class content presented by amazing speakers. Next week, I am going to Berlin to speak at the Berlin JUG on Wednesday. Please come and say hello if you’re in the neighborhood.

Unfortunately, there is not much progress with the release reviews for the Jakarta EE 11 specifications. Most of the specifications ready for release review last week are still in that state. The projects have done their part, but for some reason, the assigned mentors from the Jakarta EE Specification Committee are dragging their feet with getting the ballots rolling.

The ballots for Jakarta Persistence and WebSocket will close this week and join the ranks of the already approved ones. There are two ballots closing this week and the six specifications that are ready can enter their release review as soon as possible. There is some leeway in the release plan, so we are still on track for a release in July.

– Jakarta Annotations 3.0
– Jakarta Authorization 3.0
– Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1
– Jakarta Expression Language 6.0
– Jakarta Interceptors 2.2
– Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0
– Jakarta Validation 3.1

In progress:
– Jakarta Persistence 3.2
– Jakarta WebSocket 2.2

About to start:
Jakarta Authentication 3.1
– Jakarta Concurrency 3.1
Jakarta Faces 4.1
Jakarta Security 4.0
– Jakarta Pages 4.0
– Jakarta Servlet 6.1

Next up:
Jakarta Data 1.0

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