Hashtag Jakarta EE #231

Welcome to issue number two hundred and thirty-one of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

This was again a busy week with two conferences back-to-back. First I went to Sofia, Bulgaria for JPrime before I continued to Barcelona, Spain for Spring I/O. Both conferences are great, well-organized events with a welcoming community.

So, over to the weekly update on the progress of Jakarta EE 11. Nine specifications are done, five will complete their release review this week, and the final two will most likely have their release reviews started next week. There is some work to be done on the TCK and the specification documents before the release reviews of the Jakarta EE 11 Platform, Jakarta EE 11 Web Profile, and Jakarta EE 11 Core Profile specifications can start. This will likely happen in late June or early July, so we are on track according to the release plan.

– Jakarta Annotations 3.0
– Jakarta Authorization 3.0
– Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1
– Jakarta Expression Language 6.0
– Jakarta Interceptors 2.2
– Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0
– Jakarta Persistence 3.2
– Jakarta Validation 3.1
– Jakarta WebSocket 2.2

In progress:
– Jakarta Concurrency 3.1
Jakarta Data 1.0
Jakarta Faces 4.1
– Jakarta Pages 4.0
– Jakarta Servlet 6.1

About to start:
Jakarta Authentication 3.1
Jakarta Security 4.0

The Early-bird deadline for submitting your talk has passed, but don’t despair. There is still time to be a part of this community event. The final deadline for submitting your talk to Open Community for Java is June 10, 2024.

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