Welcome to issue number two hundred and forty-six of Hashtag Jakarta EE!
This week was all about visiting Java User Groups for me. Speaking at four JUGs in four different cities, in four different states in four days involves a lot of travel. And a lot of pizza. The standard menu for JUG meetings is pizza, so that meant pizza for dinner the whole week. After the four JUGs, I ended the week at the first edition of Jalapeño in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. My itinerary for the week looked like this:
CPH ✈️ ATL, ATL ✈️ RDU, RDU ✈️ ATL ✈️ JAX, JAX ✈️ ATL ✈️ DAL, DAL ✈️ ATL ✈️ STL, STL ✈️ ATL ✈️ PVR
For each of the events, I wrote a short blog post that you can find here:
Triangle JUG
St Louis JUG

Due to traveling, I was not able to join the Jakarta EE Platform call this week. But from what I can see in the meeting minutes, it was a productive call. I will be back next week with more details as well as a travel report from Jalapeño.