Welcome to the twenty-fifth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!
Next week is a big week for Jakarta EE! Releasing a milesone release of Jakarta EE 9 is a big milestone for the Jakarta EE community. It’s only 9 months since Jakarta EE 8 was released, so we are on track for the release of Jakarta EE 9 in September. I’m seeing a pattern emerging here; A release cadence of one year, meaning a yearly release of Jakarta EE.
Join the Milestone Release Party on Tuesday June 23!

The major deliverable of Jakarta EE 9 is the namespace switch from javax.*
to jakarta.*
, so we can say that the transfer to Eclipse Foundation is now finally finalized and we can look forward to more functionality coming. The Jakarta EE Ambassadors have started creating a document with stuff they see as important to start working on.
On Wednesday June 24, the first Friends of Jakarta EE call is happening. See the details below for how to join.

I’ll finish off this post with the exciting news that AdoptOpenJDK is coming to the Eclipse Foundation where it will continue the important work of making binary distributions of OpenJDK available for free to everyone under the name Eclipse Adoptium.