Welcome to the twenty-seventh issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!
Last week was a shorter week due to the holidays in North America, but the work with Jakarta EE 9 continues. It is a pretty tight schedule, so any help is appreciated.

Work on Jakarta MVC progresses as well. We have now contributed the TCK, which is now available under EE4J on GitHub. The specification document and Javadoc have been prepared and ready for a Jakarta MVC 1.1 release. Now we just need to set up some build jobs and run the TCK against Krazo…

The date is set for JakartaOne Livestream 2020. It will take place on September 16, 2020. We are planning for a 12-hour live streaming event of the same format as last year. The call-for-paper will open any day now. Stay tuned and get ready to submit your awesome proposal!
Make sure to follow @JakartaOneConf on Twitter so you don’t miss out on any information.