Hashtag Jakarta EE #46

Welcome to the forty-sixth issue of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

This is the last time I will be showing the status pie chart for Jakarta EE 9.

All the ongoing ballots will end this week, so the rest of the specifications are ready to be released on Friday.

This week, we visited NišJUG in Serbia on our Jakarta EE Virtual Tour. Next week, we travel across the Ocean to Philadelphia and PhillyJUG. Sign up for the event here.

The plan review for Jakarta MVC 2.0 is ongoing and we are in the middle of the work to finalize this version. One of the tasks is to pass the TCK with a compatible implementation. In our case, this is Eclipse Krazo.

Krazo supports runtimes based on Eclipse Jersey, RESTEasy, and Apache CXF. This means that it can be integrated into almost any Jakarta EE application server out there. For Jakarta MVC 1.1, we used WildFly 18 as our engine for running the TCK.

We already have the TCK passing on WildFly 22 (alpha), so we are actually good to go for starting a release review as soon as the ballot for the plan review closes (on November 19). That means that we have a couple of days to see if we can get it to run on other implementations as well. I’ll post a blog post later this week with a report on this work as a part of my series about the Jakarta EE Specification Process, featuring Jakarta MVC.

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