Before a Jakarta EE specification can be released under the Jakarta EE Specification Process (JESP), it has to go through a release review. The ballot for Jakarta MVC 2.0 can be followed in this ballot thread.

The release review is initiated by creating a Pull Request to the Jakarta EE Specifications repository and request a release review by sending an email to the Jakarta EE Specification Committee. See the Jakarta MVC 2.0 pull request to check out the details and follow the ballot on the public Jakarta EE Specification Committee mailing list. It took a while from the request-email until the ballot was started for Jakarta MVC 2.0, but the specification committee now has a streamlined process established for assigning a mentor responsible for starting the ballot.
I will use Jakarta MVC as an example for a specification going through the steps involved in the JESP and blog about it here. Follow the Jakarta MVC tag to get them all.