Hashtag Jakarta EE #123

Welcome to issue number one hundred and twenty-three of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

The Jakarta EE 10 release is on track! All specifications targeting this release have started their release reviews. The focus of the Jakarta EE Platform project in the coming weeks will be to wrap up the changes for the Platform-, Web-, and Core Profile specifications as well as to ensure that a compatible implementation (or implementations) passes the Platform CTS.

I am happy to see the activity going on in the Eclipse Starter for Jakarta EE project. Exciting things are about to happen at https://start.jakarta.ee! Make sure to check out the Java EE – Jakarta EE Initializr blog post by Ivo Woltring.

The month of May is busy with conferences. This week, I was in Stockholm for Jfokus, and next week I am going to Kraków for GeeCON 2022. It is my first time speaking at GeeCON, so I am really looking forward to it.

On the topic of conferences, the CFP for EclipseCon 2022 is open until June 15. Here’s a carrot for you if you’re planning to submit your talk. If you submit it before June 1, you have a chance to be picked as an early bird submission.

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