I decided to take the train from Seattle to Portland as it is the most convenient way of going between those cities unless you have a car. I’ve been told that this train usually is very reliable and punctual. This time, however, there was a mechanical issue with the train so they had to switch train sets in Seattle. Which in turn resulted in a two-hour delay…
The Portland Java User Group event was scheduled to start at 5:30 pm and the train was originally scheduled to arrive in Portland at 3:35 pm. Long story short, I arrived at the venue at 6:00 pm to start my talk. The participants could enjoy 30 minutes of pizza and drinks while waiting, so I guess it all turned out great at the end.
I did the From Spring Boot 2 to Spring Boot 3 with Java 21 and Jakarta EE presentation here as well. With great discussions during and following the presentation.
The Portland JUG had also ordered the JCP 25-Year Anniversary Swag Kit, so there were lots of goodies for the attendees. I recommend all Java User Groups do the same. Just follow the instructions on the JCP 25-year Anniversary page.