We have struggled a little bit to get the Malmö JUG up and running again after the pandemic, but now it seems like we are on the roll again. The goal is to have at least one event each quarter, and the February 29 event yesterday was a great start. We usually have two talks per event, and this was no exception.
The first talk was about Continuous Integration Patterns by Thomas Lundström. The second talk was a celebration talk about the 25 Years of the JCP Program presented by myself.
(I will add the slides from Thomas’ talk when he has made them available)
Going forward we will aim for one talk per event. Most people attend for the mingle and discussion anyway. We will see how it turns out and maybe reevaluate next year.
By the way, we are always looking for speakers, so please let me know if you have a talk you want to present, and are eager for a trip to beautiful Malmö. Conveniently located close to Copenhagen Airport (CPH).