Hashtag Jakarta EE #231

Welcome to issue number two hundred and thirty-one of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

This was again a busy week with two conferences back-to-back. First I went to Sofia, Bulgaria for JPrime before I continued to Barcelona, Spain for Spring I/O. Both conferences are great, well-organized events with a welcoming community.

So, over to the weekly update on the progress of Jakarta EE 11. Nine specifications are done, five will complete their release review this week, and the final two will most likely have their release reviews started next week. There is some work to be done on the TCK and the specification documents before the release reviews of the Jakarta EE 11 Platform, Jakarta EE 11 Web Profile, and Jakarta EE 11 Core Profile specifications can start. This will likely happen in late June or early July, so we are on track according to the release plan.

– Jakarta Annotations 3.0
– Jakarta Authorization 3.0
– Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1
– Jakarta Expression Language 6.0
– Jakarta Interceptors 2.2
– Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0
– Jakarta Persistence 3.2
– Jakarta Validation 3.1
– Jakarta WebSocket 2.2

In progress:
– Jakarta Concurrency 3.1
Jakarta Data 1.0
Jakarta Faces 4.1
– Jakarta Pages 4.0
– Jakarta Servlet 6.1

About to start:
Jakarta Authentication 3.1
Jakarta Security 4.0

The Early-bird deadline for submitting your talk has passed, but don’t despair. There is still time to be a part of this community event. The final deadline for submitting your talk to Open Community for Java is June 10, 2024.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #230

Welcome to issue number two hundred and thirty of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

There was good progress this week in getting the release reviews for Jakarta EE 11 specifications underway. Nine specifications have been approved, five are under review, and two are ready and waiting for the Jakarta EE Specification Committee to get the ballots going.

– Jakarta Annotations 3.0
– Jakarta Authorization 3.0
– Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1
– Jakarta Expression Language 6.0
– Jakarta Interceptors 2.2
– Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0
– Jakarta Persistence 3.2
– Jakarta Validation 3.1
– Jakarta WebSocket 2.2

In progress:
– Jakarta Concurrency 3.1
Jakarta Data 1.0
Jakarta Faces 4.1
– Jakarta Pages 4.0
– Jakarta Servlet 6.1

About to start:
Jakarta Authentication 3.1
Jakarta Security 4.0

I want to remind you about the advantages of submitting early to conference CFPs especially if they have an early-bird acceptance deadline, like Open Community for Java does.

The past week, I spoke at the Berlin JUG in Berlin (I know, no surprise there). Next week is a little busier with two conferences on the agenda. First, I will go to Sofia, Bulgaria to speak at JPrime 2024. Then I will continue to Barcelona, Spain for Spring I/O 2024.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #229

Welcome to issue number two hundred and twenty-nine of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

It was a busy week for me with two conferences back-to-back. First out was JCON Europe 2024 in Cologne, Germany followed by GeeCON 2024 in Kraków, Poland. Both these conferences are very well organized and excellent for networking, and socializing, as well as world-class content presented by amazing speakers. Next week, I am going to Berlin to speak at the Berlin JUG on Wednesday. Please come and say hello if you’re in the neighborhood.

Unfortunately, there is not much progress with the release reviews for the Jakarta EE 11 specifications. Most of the specifications ready for release review last week are still in that state. The projects have done their part, but for some reason, the assigned mentors from the Jakarta EE Specification Committee are dragging their feet with getting the ballots rolling.

The ballots for Jakarta Persistence and WebSocket will close this week and join the ranks of the already approved ones. There are two ballots closing this week and the six specifications that are ready can enter their release review as soon as possible. There is some leeway in the release plan, so we are still on track for a release in July.

– Jakarta Annotations 3.0
– Jakarta Authorization 3.0
– Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1
– Jakarta Expression Language 6.0
– Jakarta Interceptors 2.2
– Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0
– Jakarta Validation 3.1

In progress:
– Jakarta Persistence 3.2
– Jakarta WebSocket 2.2

About to start:
Jakarta Authentication 3.1
– Jakarta Concurrency 3.1
Jakarta Faces 4.1
Jakarta Security 4.0
– Jakarta Pages 4.0
– Jakarta Servlet 6.1

Next up:
Jakarta Data 1.0

Hashtag Jakarta EE #228

Welcome to issue number two hundred and twenty-eight of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

I am speaking at two conferences in the upcoming week. First out is JCON Europe in Cologne, Germany where I am talking about how Jakarta EE 11 can boost your performance and developer productivity. Come to this session to find out everything you need to know about the upcoming Jakarta EE 11 release. This year, the Eclipse Foundation has a booth in the exhibition area. I will be there with my colleague Thomas and a variety of our members. Come and have a chat with us there!

Directly after my talk on Thursday morning, I will relocate to Kraków, Poland for GeeCON where I am speaking on Friday afternoon. This will be an entirely new talk where I will explore the revival of serverside rendering in the JavaScript World, and how it compares to the technologies have been available for decades in Jakarta EE.

I am bringing my running shoes to both of these conferences, so ping me if you’re interested in joining me for a refreshing morning run before the conference days start.

Let’s move on to this week’s update on how the release reviews of the Jakarta EE 11 specifications are coming along. The current state is that seven specifications are done, two are in their release reviews, six are wrapping up the final bits and pieces, and the last one, Jakarta Data will soon be ready.

– Jakarta Annotations 3.0
– Jakarta Authorization 3.0
– Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1
– Jakarta Expression Language 6.0
– Jakarta Interceptors 2.2
– Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0
– Jakarta Validation 3.1

In progress:
– Jakarta Persistence 3.2
– Jakarta WebSocket 2.2

About to start:
Jakarta Authentication 3.1
– Jakarta Concurrency 3.1
Jakarta Faces 4.1
Jakarta Security 4.0
– Jakarta Pages 4.0
– Jakarta Servlet 6.1

Next up:
Jakarta Data 1.0

There is a new conference on the block! The Eclipse Foundation‘s flagship conference, EclipseCon, has morphed into Open Community Experience that will take place from October 22 to October 24 in Mainz, Germany. As a part of this transformation, all the Java-related content will be under the co-located event, or track if you like, called Open Community for Java.

If you are interested in speaking at Open Community for Java, the CFP is open until June 10.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #227

Welcome to issue number two hundred and twenty-seven of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

It is May already! It feels like 2024 is just flying by. Those of you following these updates the last couple of weeks may have noticed a fair amount of specifications lingering in the “About to start” state. There are several reasons for this. Some of them are missing some tiny details requested by the Specification Committee member responsible for starting the review thread (aka “The Mentor“). These tiny details are mostly concerning discrepancies around the checksum of the promoted TCK. It is a puzzle to assemble all the information, and that is exactly why we introduced the mentoring role of the specification committee.

The current state is that six specifications are done, one is in its release review, one will start its release review tomorrow, and the rest is (hopefully) soon to follow.

– Jakarta Annotations 3.0
– Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1
– Jakarta Expression Language 6.0
– Jakarta Interceptors 2.2
– Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0
– Jakarta Validation 3.1

In progress:
– Jakarta Authorization 3.0

About to start:
Jakarta Authentication 3.1
– Jakarta Concurrency 3.1
– Jakarta Pages 4.0
– Jakarta Persistence 3.2 (starting tomorrow)
– Jakarta Servlet 6.1
– Jakarta WebSocket 2.2 (will be restarted shortly)

Next up:
Jakarta Data 1.0
Jakarta Faces 4.1
Jakarta Security 4.0

I am happy to announce that I will go on a JUG Tour in September this year as well. This time, I will be touring the Southern US 🇺🇸 with visits to Triangle JUG, JaxJUG, JavaMUG, and Gateway JUG before winding down with the Jalapeño unconference in Puerto Vallarta 🇲🇽.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #226

Welcome to issue number two hundred and twenty-six of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

Last week I was in India speaking at GIDS. It is a great conference that I keep returning to. For the next month, I will be touring conferences in Europe where I will be speaking at JCON Europe, GeeCON, JPrime, and Spring I/O.

Milestone 3 of Jakarta EE 11 will be staged this week, and the component specifications are in, or entering their release reviews. Check out the status here.

– Jakarta Annotations 3.0
– Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1
– Jakarta Expression Language 6.0
– Jakarta Interceptors 2.2
– Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0

In progress:
– Jakarta Authorization 3.0
– Jakarta Validation 3.1

About to start:
– Jakarta Concurrency 3.1
– Jakarta Pages 4.0
– Jakarta Persistence 3.2 (starting shortly)
– Jakarta Servlet 6.1
– Jakarta WebSocket 2.2 (will be restarted shortly)

Next up:
Jakarta Authentication 3.1
Jakarta Data 1.0
Jakarta Faces 4.1
Jakarta Security 4.0

There is a new conference on the block! The Eclipse Foundation‘s flagship conference, EclipseCon, has morphed into Open Community Experience that will take place from October 22 to October 24 in Mainz, Germany. As a part of this transformation, all the Java-related content will be under the co-located event, or track if you like, called Open Community for Java.

If you are interested in speaking at Open Community for Java, the CFP is open until June 10.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #225

Welcome to issue number two hundred and twenty-five of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

I will be in the air on my way to India for my fifth appearance at GIDS when this post is published. I look forward to meeting the Indian Java community again!

Milestone 2 of Jakarta EE 11 has been published. Take a look at the specification documents on the Jakarta EE 11 Specification pages:
Jakarta EE Platform 11
Jakarta EE Web Profile 11
Jakarta EE Core Profile 11

The API artifacts are available in Maven Central with the following coordinates:

Jakarta EE Platform 11 Milestone 2


Jakarta EE Web Profile 11 Milestone 2


Jakarta EE Core Profile 11 Milestone 2


The component specifications of Jakarta EE 11 are steadily moving through the release reviews and here is the current status. As you can see, there are quite a few that will have their release review started next week.

– Jakarta Annotations 3.0
– Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1
– Jakarta Expression Language 6.0
– Jakarta Interceptors 2.2

In progress:
– Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0
– Jakarta Validation 3.1

About to start:
– Jakarta Authorization 3.0
Jakarta Data 1.0
– Jakarta Pages 4.0
– Jakarta Persistence 3.2 (starting on Monday)
– Jakarta Servlet 6.1
– Jakarta WebSocket 2.2 (will be restarted shortly)

One of the most exciting features of Jakarta EE 11 is the new Jakarta Data specification. Gavin King has written a two-part article series titled A Preview of Jakarta Data 1.0 about it. Check out Part 1 and Part 2 to understand the rationale of the specification and learn what it is all about.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #224

Welcome to issue number two hundred and twenty-four of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

I am home from Devnexus 2024 just in time for writing this post. Since most of last week was dedicated to the Jakarta EE track at Devnexus which I covered in the blog post from the event, I will keep this Hashtag fairly short. The upcoming week will be spent at home before I travel eastward to India for GIDS.

The Jakarta EE 11 specifications are steadily moving through the release reviews and here is the current status:

– Jakarta Annotations 3.0
– Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1
– Jakarta Expression Language 6.0
– Jakarta Interceptors 2.2

In progress:
– Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0
– Jakarta WebSocket 2.2

About to start:
– Jakarta Authorization 3.0
– Jakarta Pages 4.0
– Jakarta Persistence 3.2
– Jakarta Servlet 6.1
– Jakarta Validation 3.1

Hashtag Jakarta EE #223

Welcome to issue number two hundred and twenty-three of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

A busy week for the Java Community is coming up. One of the finest Java conferences in Europe is happening at the same time as the premier Java conference in the US. JavaLand and Devnexus in the same week! I am usually a regular at both of these events, so this year I had to choose. It will be the first edition of JavaLand that I am not present at having been speaking there at every one of the nine previous ones. A bummer, but that’s the way it is.

We are repeating the success from last year with a dedicated Jakarta EE track at Devnexus. We will also have a booth where you can come and have a chat with us and maybe even pick up some swag.

The best way to get the most out of the conference days is to get some exercise in before it all starts. An excellent option is a quick trip to the hotel gym, but if you are into running a little, come join me and run With Jakarta EE at Devnexus. We will start at 6:30 am every morning from the Olympic Rings on the corner of Centennial Olympic Park (across the street from the Ferris wheel).

Jakarta EE 11 continues to move forward. We are just waiting for the release review of Jakarta Interceptors to be completed before we can release Milestone 2 to Maven Central. The release reviews for the next milestone have started, or are being prepared. Hopefully, most of them will be underway shortly.

– Jakarta Annotations 3.0
– Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1
– Jakarta Expression Language 6.0

In progress:
– Jakarta Interceptors 2.2
– Jakarta WebSocket 2.2

About to start:
– Jakarta Authorization 3.0
Jakarta Pages 4.0
– Jakarta Persistence 3.2
– Jakarta Servlet 6.1
Jakarta RESTful Web Services 4.0
– Jakarta Validation 3.1

One of my most popular talks last year was the talk about migrating from Spring Boot 2 to Spring Boot 3 with Java 21 and Jakarta EE. In this list of most viewed talks on YouTube, the one I did at Devoxx Belgium is currently in 71st place. It is still a popular talk, and it keeps getting accepted at conferences even in 2024.

Hashtag Jakarta EE #222

Welcome to issue number two hundred and twenty-two of Hashtag Jakarta EE!

This week I was in Bucharest for Voxxed Days Bucharest 2024. Even with a strike looming over Austrian Airlines, my trip was smooth without disruptions. The release reviews of the Jakarta EE 11 specifications are progressing. The current status of these reviews are:

– Jakarta Expression Language 6.0

In progress:
– Jakarta Annotations 3.0
– Jakarta Contexts and Dependency Injection 4.1
– Jakarta Interceptors 2.2
Jakarta Web Socket 2.2

About to start:
– Jakarta Authorization 3.0
Jakarta Persistence 3.2
Jakarta Servlet 6.1
Jakarta Validation 3.1

So far, everything is more or less according to the release plan. The second milestone release (11.0.0-M2) will be made available soon. It turned out that the keys used to sign the release artifacts had expired, so we have to wait until those in charge of renewing them are back to work after the Easter holidays.